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A very nice sounding good quality student outfit from a top European maker. Gliga have a fantastic reputation as a maker of reasonably priced violins that are well made and sound really good. Gliga use European Tonewoods, which many feel give a superior tonal quality to the instruments and every violin is individually finished. You've only got to search for Gliga on Google to find lots of very satisfied owners congratulating themselves on owning such a nice violin. You can see an interesting video about Gliga Violins here. This is a Gems II model with a nicely flamed two piece back of Maple and a close grained front of European Spruce. The Pegs, Fingerboard, Chinrest & End Pin are of Ebony. The finish is darker than most modern violins and uses an oil based varnish with a semi-matt finish. We have set this instrument up in our workshop and added a set of Pirastro Violino Nylon cored strings. The violin plays very well, it has a very warm sound with a lovely open bass, a clean mid range and bell like E string. It's a very satisfying instrument to play, like all of the Gliga instruments and will improve as it gets more playing. The violin comes with a good quality dart shaped case with a red and black waterproof fabric exterior and grey velour interior (not as pictured). We have also included a Hidersine 3V rosin and a good Brazilwood bow with an Octagonal stick, Ebony frog with mother of pearl inserts and unbleached Mongolian horse hair. We even include a duster to keep it clean. A really nice Student Violin suitable for all grades up to 8 and maybe above. There's quite a nice review on YouTube here.
Customer Comments: We are all really impressed with the violin (especially our daughter - who is now practising more than ever). The quality was instantly noticeable from the first note.
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